Story Form


When you’re up there to tell your story, tell your story in three forms.

  1. Awareness: Number one, create awareness of why you’re even there.
  2. Conflict: Maybe there’s a problem; Make them aware of the problem. But that’s not enough.
  3. Resolution: You have to tell them, “because of that, here’s the conflict.” And lastly, you have to tell them how you’re going to solve their problem.

Because if you tell them the awareness, and they relate to it and you’ve got their heads nodding like “that’s great, I’m with you. Now tell me what’s wrong with that”

Here’s the conflict. Here’s how I’m going to solve it.

I would recommend wholeheartedly if you don’t have a structure to your pitch, use that. People will get it because, for thousands of years, that’s how we’ve consumed stories.